
How do United Nations drones sleep at night?

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Is it the alcohol? Drugs? How do they do it?




  1. Drones never sleep!

  2. By having big budgets spent on first class accomodations for themselves all in the name of humanity and assistance. ^_^

  3. On the huge pile of cash that is generated from trying to give a sense of dignity to the world politics scene. And by 'huge pile of cash,' I mean 'constant disrespect from idiots like you.'

  4. Sober as shiites, they sleep soundly, peacefully.

  5. Its easy the lay on their beds and close their eyes. Like the rest of us normal people.

  6. Why do they have a hard time sleeping? There solders they do what they are told to do. No more no less.....

  7. b

  8. United Nations is trying to help countries that needed its services although others believe that it is an inutile organization.

  9. Breathing the sweet air of freedom provided by the UN.

  10. they sleep very well, they get paid well and don't get much accomplished,.....

  11. it's a new drug called OIL and  it's made in the middle east, it has a hint of innocent people blood

  12. what a good question. you seem to be on top of your game. drones how appropriate. do you understand why we are putting so much into space research it seems we want to get there first then control all with diplomacy we are the one and only super power left.some one has to control these drones.are they pocket drones? for uncle SAM.

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