
How do YOU bargain???need help by tomorrow??!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am a horrible bargainer (if thats a word LOL). I am really bad I never get a good deal when we go to places where the price can be negotiated. Well tommorw morning bright and early we are going to a HUGE swap meet kinda like a fle market but the stuff isnt used or anything. (BTW Its on Oahu)

So how do I bargain??What kinds of things do you say to get a cheaper price??tell me a time where you got a good deal and what did you say if you can. Thanks!




  1. The most important thing is not to let on that you really want something.  Be prepared to walk away if you don't like the price.  

    Also, there's a psychological trick called "anchoring" that I learned in a negotiation class.  Start out by offering a ridiculously low price.  Even though you know the price will be higher, the opening bid will affect the outcome in your favor.  

    Ex: You are willing to pay $25.  If you offer $20 or $25, they'll probably work you up to paying at least $25, maybe even $30.  But, if you offer $5, the owner might work you up to paying $15 and feel like they did a good job of negotiating because they got you to come up so much.

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