
How do YOU pronounce Chaote?

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I've just got into Chaos Magick but don't know anybody else who is. I've only read books on the subject. How do you pronounce Chaote?




  1. I've always pronounced it Kay-Oat, if that helps. Welcome to the left-hand path Brother.Crowley, Caroll and Spare are a good place to start, but also look into Discordianism, it might sound bizarre, but the essence is there.

    @Rage: Jim Morrison was very much into the occult, and was a practising shaman, though from what i gather, he was very much into Chaotic magic.

    @ Scroobius: Thats pretty much the gist of it. It takes a special kind to be a true Chaote!

  2. shat o

  3. I would say that it should be pronounced with the "ch" as in Chile and then add "oat" to it.

    Chote would be a phonetic rendering.

    And I will add this, not many people pronounce forte properly. If it is your strong point, pronounce it as "fort." I am good with words. Very good. And that is anything but empty braggadocio. How many people without looking them up can spell triskaidekaphobia, anthropopseudodoraphobia, aliatheophobia, sophophilic, misogynistic or a few thousand if not tens of thousands of other similar words, pronounce them correctly, know what they mean and can readily and properly use them in a conversation without batting an eye, and yet make a dirt farmer who did not get past eighth grade feel he is smart after all and be comfortable with him and be good friends with him? I am good with words, but we each have things we do well. If I had to throw a football for a living, I would starve to death. And I am far from the best with words. Even I hear the occasional one I do not know.  

  4. K O Ti

  5. Is that what Friedrich Nietzsche talks about in his book? is it like an off shoot of Pagans? Sorry I am not very familiar; I am kind of interested as to what it is now. So is it a religion or is it a philosophy?

    Edit: Thanks, sounds really interesting. I heard something about it when I watched the Jim Morrison story, he was into the occult. I've have to have a read. :)

  6. I think it is best pronounced to rhyme with coyote but with a 'K' instead of a 'C', as in Wile Chaote.

    Good choice on Chaos, welcome the ultimate freedom in magick if you can handle it. Many Chaos mages become philosophisers and armchair occultists, a jack of all and master of none kind of thing. If that's your bag that cool. Just remember with all that belief shifting, researching different paradigms and rolling dice to actually do some magic. Although I suspect that is a failing of many occultists - all talk no trousers (or robe maybe).

    EDIT - Thumbs down is probably from a religious type who thinks all magick is the devils work or maybe I offended somebody by pointing out that most mages are posers and posturing (and not in the good sense).

  7. K O Tee

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