
How do You Get to Be Homeschooled? What Quailfications is there?

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Uhmm i want to be homeschooled and my mom wants to do it too but we need to no what she needs to be able to do it? What are the Qualifations?(in Canada)

I Really Need Answers sooo please Help Me!




  1. There are several homeschoolers  on YA.  They can help.  Ms Lilbitfiery on YA is one I have talked with.  Might check her out?

    We home schooled using the Abeca line (sp??) and they have very good products, but there are many others good too.

    I do not know anybody in Canada to refer to, so check out the sites others have given, and you also can Google on Homeschooling and should get some answers.  Or Home Schooling, perhaps.

    I live near a fairly large town, and they have a bookstore that specializes in home schooling supplies, so could look in the yellow pages for one near you.

    There is also a search function on online, and might help you find a local dealer in homeschooling supplies. Sometimes they help and sometimes not!!

    And if you are in a church, or know of a good one, sometimes they have leads to suppliers and information.  Especially good is a church that has its own school. In suburban Minneapolis it was a large suburban Nazarene church that ran a private school but had homeschooling information available.

    Beat wishes.


  2. Go to this link and choose your province.  It should give you the info that you need.  :-)

  3. i don't know about Canada --- but I'm sure that you will get all of the information that you need from the link for HSLDA that another answer gave to you.

    Homeschooling is a wonderful opportunity for you!  I hope for the best for you and your mother.

    Work hard, study well and get ahead in life!  God bless!

  4. You didn't mention which Province that you live in.  If you input your Province and the word homeschooling into Google, it will bring up lots of sites with specific information for your Province.

    If you live in Ontario, you must read the information that is available on the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents (OFTP ) Website.  It is crucial that you understand your legal responsibilities and the OFTP is the place to start.

    Each Province in Canada has different legal responsibilities so you should find out what these are for your specific province.

    Canada is a wonderful country in which to homeschool with few difficulties!

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