
How do You Rave?

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Are there any vidoes out there to help




  1. PARTAY!

  2. there is so much that goes into "raving" actually, and the definitions vary from person to person.

    For instance, some ravers will tell you you have to do drugs to "rave" while others do not. First of all, though, you need go to them - and you NEED to have someone to show you the ropes. Otherwise you may just go and get hooked up with some drugged out idiot that 1) is only there for the drugs so 2) couldn't tell you an ounce of difference between the kinds of music and 3) would rather do the drugs than learn all the different styles of dancing.

    So find someone that can take you and teach you all that stuff, how to look for good parties based on production companies and djs, and find someone who has been in the scene awhile - because raving really is its own little world that has some dangerous aspects and you need to be able to navigate through it with smarts so you won't get arrested or find yourself in some really bad situation. you'll find yourself in some strange ones, that's for sure. but there is such a thing as raving "smart" so you'll have the longevity in the scene rather than the kids that just fizzle out after a year because all they care about is drugs. To find someone i suggest signing up for your local raver message board. do a google search for "(insert city name here) raves"

    But i'm assuming if you want videos you're wanting to learn the dancing aspect. some of the most infamous styles within the rave scene are liquid, popping (pop-and-locking), tutting and glowsticking.

    I've learned my best moves from ravers i've found on the dancefloor and asked them to teach me, and by practicing at  home. Go long enough and you'll develop your own unique dancing style. I prefer to stay away from glowsticks, but my boyfriend loves them - its all a matter of taste really. But if you're wanting to learn glowsticking go to and do a youtube search for glowsticking. for liquid, pop-and-locking, tutting do a youtube search also. there's a really awesome dancer with a group called the Liquid Pop Collective run by a guy named eric. he's on youtube and they actually have an instructional video out. hope that helps!


    Okay the videos a p**s take lol,

    Best thing to do is to go to raves and see what everybody else is doing its really easy to pick up.
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