
How do You install linux on windows XP?

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How do You install linux on windows XP?




  1. go to and download the iso file. either burn it to a disc and boot to it or download the program called wubi which is very easy to use.

  2. If all you want is to test drive it, download a "live" version of linux, like MEPIS or KNOPIXX instead. These linux distros can be booted from the CD/DVD without the need to install to hard drive. Some functionality is limited and you should have at least 1GB of RAM,  but just to try out linux it is perfect. Bonus: you can always use your linux cd to boot a computer that refuses to boot into Windows so that you can run diagnostics or recover data.  Otherwise you can try Wubi + Ubuntu, as the other answerer suggested.

  3. If you want to install it in Windows (it can actually run as a task under Windows), put the CD you burn into the drive and look at the menu choices.  One of them will be to install Ubuntu as a Windows program.  Or you can use Wubi

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