
How do You put...?

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your photo on the avatar probley being really dumb but i cant see where it says it anywhere?:)




  1. i don't really know try clicking on your avatar and look around in the avatar place.... i think it might be there

  2. You need to put photos on your yahoo 360 profile and then select them here on your yahoo answer profile.

  3. Make a yahoo 360 account on then click on my page then click on edit personal photos (on the left side of the page. Then get a picture off the internet (for me it didnt work on a picture from yahoo but it did for a picture from google) then get full size image of picture by clicking on picture then clicking on see full size image, then right click on picture and click save picture as (picture must end in .jpg or.jpeg) then go back on yahoo 360 go on page you were on before and click browse (only pick one picture) then go to bottom of the page and click save. Then go on yahoo answers and on my profile then click edit my info and click on box next to use my yahoo 360 picture (it should have your picture above the writing) there you should be done. hope it works.

    If thats too complicated here its shortened: Go on yahoo 360 and make an account, go on my page then on edit personal photo then browse then choose a picture you want then go to the bottom and click save then go to yahoo answer click on edit info then on use my yahoo 360 picture. (read about for all information)

    Hope it works :)

  4. Open another tab with Yahoo 360 page - you will be signed in as you are on here.

    Go find My Page - on right hand side towards the top.  Click on that.   Edit Personal Photos - left hand side.

    Browse and load the picture you want.  Make it your Primary.

    Now come back here - open My Profile and go to Edit My Info.

    Click the centre of the pictures - use my Yahoo 360.  That should do it.

  5. You need to put the photos on your computer and go to profile and attach the photo.
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