
How do a set up foreign exchange and or pen-pal?

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In a previous question i asked "what is the best way to learn a language?" alot if not most suggested visiting the country. How do i set up exchanges, is it safe, also how do i "get" a pen-pal, do people still do that anymore?

i invite your answers





    If you have a facebook, or a livejournal account then you can do a search for groups or communities who offer penpals, just search for "penpals". These are where I've got all my penpals from. Good luck, I love penpalling!

  2. people still have pen pals, i have one and am trying to get a couple more. you can google "pen pals" and it will come up with several links.

  3. Ok, I would suggest putting "International pen pals" into a search engine. I'm sure some results would pop up. As far as exchanges goes, there is a organization called "American Field Exchanges", which sets up foreign students,(mainly of high school age), with American family for at least a year. As far as languages are concern, take a class at a nearby school. If not, there is a program called "Rosetta Stone". I understand it's expensive but good.

  4. contact the friendship force of america this is worldwide and they exchange vacations each year with other countrys you stay with famialys for a week or two stay longer if you like or travel on in the country as long as you like we have made great friends this way contact your mayers office or the friendship force on line.

  5. Some of the other answers have talked about pen pals, and that is a great way to communicate in another language as well, but I wanted to let you know about a great program that will let you travel to another country as a foreign exchange student and it can either be for a few weeks in the summer, half a school year (one semester in the U.S.) or a full school year. There are several companies that do some of these, but one in particular does all of them - EF.  EF is a company that has been around for many years and works with countries all over the world.  I would suggest doing the summer program first as it is not such a big change and you would not be gone for an entire school year, but it gives you a good chance to not only learn some of the language from native speakers, but you get to see some of the country as well.  Here is an example:

    There was a group of 35 Italian students who came to my city in California one summer.  They lived with host families for three weeks and during the week days they attended English classes for a few hours and then, as a group, did various activities (since it was Southern California, they all went to Disneyland, the beach, Hollywood, San Diego, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Los Angeles, San Francisco, had BBQs with the host families, and many other things.  I had 4 students living in my home (6 total at different times) and I was very involved in the program as well. The students who lived with me spoke a little English when they arrived, but were speaking it very well after being in the U.S. for only three weeks!  They all learned English in school since they were young, but learning it in a classroom is very different than learning it and using it firsthand in the native country.

    EF's Web site is:

    If you would like more detailed information, please feel free to email me and I will put you in touch with the right people.

    Also, if you are interested in one of the computer programs for learning a language, as one of the previous answers stated, Rosetta Stone is awesome!  I have used many programs to learn Italian, including two years in college Italian classes, many computer programs at home, workbooks, etc., and this is by far the easiest to use and has had the best results!  I even lived in Italy for one year and have learned more from this program!  

    Good luck!

  6. Click below:

  7. ME! i'm italian................ this is my email adresse:

    send me an email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i want to improve my english because i study languages at the high school and in april i'll go to london and i wanna understant something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. one of my english students, she's italian and 12 years old, is looking for a penfriend. she wants to improve her english. if you wish to improve your italian maybe we can help. i would prefer for her to have someone around her age though.

    if your interested drop me an email

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