
How do activist effect society?

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do activist effect our society i dont see how they do. i know they do but i dont see how they do.




  1. The Left tends to attempt to affect social change through grass roots appeal to the masses of people.

    The Right tends to hire lobbyists to cut a deal that will favor them in courts and among lawmakers, and then hire PR firms to convince the masses of people that black is white and salt is sweet.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Activism has come to mean to many things -- everything from writing a letter to your congressman, to marching in a parade-like protest, to destroying corporate tools of destruction.  

    That said... I have always sort of felt that it takes extremist wings (left and right) to make the political beast fly.  When radicals of either side start acting in an extreme manner it pushes political sentiment in their direction (even if they are demonized).  This assumes a generally sincere morality behind their actions.  For example... when the ELF torches an SUV or destroys logging equipment they are villified in the press but the population basically understands the root of why they did what they did and then, consequently, more mainstream groups (with less extreme tactics -- like Greenpeace, for example) benefit because people have become impassioned about their issues even if they don't want to go as far as (or even consciously approve of) the extremists actions.  On the right-wing side one might point to the so-called Minutemen who have taken up arms along the Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants.  Most people might think their actions are extreme but they bring attention to an issue which they think is important and which may then be acted upon in less extreme ways.  Of course sometimes activists and protesters are countered by opposing protesters (like those who are for immigrant rights and a more open border).  In this case the activist activities may cancel each other out to a degree.

    Basically however, I think that activists are trying to draw public attention to some issue so that a wider portion of the population will demand action to be taken or undertake the action as a mass themselves.  It's often about changing cultural habits and trends.  One might want people to ride bikes (instead of burning oil and driving cars) and they lead by example by biking themselves and telling their friends about the benefits of that activity -- some would consider that activism in a way.  Still others might put up stickers or hand out leaflets giving information about the benefits of bicycling and the pollution and cost of cars.  In the end however, whatever form the activism takes, it's about getting the masses to change some sort of behavior.  Even if the people witnessing the activism don't think much of it, they still may be culturally effected at a subconscious level.  Think of the racists in the 60's who truly did eventually see the error of their ways and actually feel shame.  At first they may not have admitted it to themselves (or others) but eventually the dignity with which the activists behaved demanded respect.  Even the rioters (if one would consider them activists of sorts) demanded respect.  We are human beings, we are not going to take this any more, and we are going to demand action in one way or another.  This is the basic message of the activist.  Often it has produced results.

  3. tomorrow's future is in the students' world today. Shape it well.

  4. yes, activists put pressure on groups and governments and help to fuel debate on their chosen subject, look at global warming...

  5. Yes, activist put pressure on legislators to support or oppose bills before congress. It is very effective. Case in point, the Dream Act, there were so many calls, emails and faxes opposing that piece of legislation that it literally shut down the phone system on capital hill. We managed to stop this bill twice. Each one of us that called, faxed and phoned were activist. Activism works.

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