
How do airplane fly?

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How do airplane fly?




  1. Don't give Bernoulli too much credit!  If it was true that the top curve of the wing gives the plane lift, then how can a plane fly upside down?

    Actually, it's actually the Angle-of-Attack that gives the plane's wings lift.  The shape of the wing allows the Angle-of-Attack to be increased at lower speeds without creating too much drag or turbulence.  Read the book I list below.  It was written in 1944 but is still the best book for beginner pilots ever written.

  2. That's a pretty big question.

    Here's an information source that will give you lots of details, including pictures and diagrams that will make it all clear.

  3. Airplanes fly because they have wings.  The wings move forward through the air and twist the air above them downwards, producing an (invisible) swath of downward-moving air behind the aircraft that is called a downwash.  The wings do this because they are flat and tilted slightly upward in relation to their movement through the air, which creates a pressure differential that accelerates air above the wing and causes it to go twisting downward behind the rear edge of the wing. The force required to produce the downwash is immense, and it produces an equal and opposite force that tries to lift the wings (and the aircraft to which they are attached). This latter force, called lift, is what makes the airplane fly.

  4. first

    The wings are airfoils attached to each side of the

    fuselage and are the main lifting surfaces that support

    the airplane in flight. There are numerous wing

    designs, sizes, and shapes used by the various manufacturers.Each fulfills a certain need with respect to

    the expected performance for the particular airplane

    2nd is



    A half century after Sir Newton presented his laws,

    Mr. Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician,

    explained how the pressure of a moving fluid (liquid

    or gas) varies with its speed of motion. Specifically,he stated that an increase in the speed of movement

    or flow would cause a decrease in the fluid’s

    pressure. This is exactly what happens to air passing

    over the curved top of the airplane wing.

    An appropriate analogy can be made with water

    flowing through a garden hose. Water moving through

    a hose of constant diameter exerts a uniform pressure

    on the hose; but if the diameter of a section of the hose

    is increased or decreased, it is certain to change the

    pressure of the water at that point. Suppose the hose

    was pinched, thereby constricting the area through

    which the water flows. Assuming that the same volume

    of water flows through the constricted portion of the

    hose in the same period of time as before the hose was

    pinched, it follows that the speed of flow must increase

    at that point.A practical application of Bernoulli’s theorem is the venturi tube. The venturi tube has an air inlet which

    narrows to a throat (constricted point) and an outlet

    section which increases in diameter toward the rear.

    The diameter of the outlet is the same as that of the

    inlet. At the throat, the airflow speeds up and the

    pressure decreases; at the outlet, the airflow slows

    and the pressure increases. [Figure 2-4]

  5. a driver at the front

  6. Most say that airplanes fly as a result of Bernoulli’s principle, which says that if air speeds up the pressure is lowered. Thus a wing generates lift because the air goes faster over the top creating a region of low pressure, and thus lift. This explanation usually satisfies the curious and few challenge the conclusions - although there are other theroies out there
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