
How do aliens have kids?

by  |  earlier

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do they come out of a egg or the other thing.




  1. Hahaha...aliens having

  2. may be they it rock and after that Rock get out from their behind as a baby an they say gonggonga

  3. LMFAO. The next time you see one ask it. I'm sure you'll get an answer.

    I guess some people have too much time on their hands.

  4. dude. who says there ARE aliens?

  5. Funny you should ask this very question that I asked my martian friend Septuyuk the other day when I was contacted by him via space transmission codec. You see, aliens, his race specifically cannot bear children anymore after a disastrous virus that rendered his kind sterile. They're only hopes of reproduction now are to clone themselves and use surrogate mothers as their hosts.

  6. i don't know... i hear on one planet they upped the birth control rate.

    but if you want a serious scientific answer, here it is.

    all organisms repoduce one of two ways- the sexual reproduction, or asexual reproduction. sexual reproduction is where the offspring has different DNA than the parent organism, and are not identical. asexual reproduction usually occurs with cells, where the organism's offspring has the same DNA as the parent. asexual reproduction occurs with no other mate. one cell reproduces, and there are not a male and female species. sexual reproduction consists of two parents- a male and a female. humans, dogs, cats, birds and rats are all examples of organisms that reproduce sexually.

    so intelligent aliens would reproduce sexually, but simpler aliens, such as simple bacteria, would reproduce asexually. thats the explanation in a nutshell. hope that helps!

  7. They find them under alien cabbages.  Does this mean aliens are really cabbages?

  8. ask Hollywood, that's the only place you are gonna find aliens

  9. You pull it out of your ar se.

    Put a midget in a space suit.  Ta-da! an alien.

  10. They hold hands and say

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll    la bamba

    and an egg comes out of the FATHER.......

    Or u should ask Dr. Phil the

  11. First, they sneak over the border.  Then they reproduce like rabbits.  No eggs, just government subsidies.

  12. The plant their seed in women named Mary who hang out in mangers.

  13. We don't know anything about aliens.  h**l, we don't even know if they exist.  Perhaps they reproduce asexually, by budding, like a starfish or a sponge.  Maybe they are immortal and no longer reproduce.  Maybe, maybe, maybe, that is all you will get when it comes to aliens.  Believe me.

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