
How do all the China Bashers Feel about this?

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"Orchestra admits 'miming' at Sydney Olympics in 2000"

Evidently, the "evil, commie" Chinese are not the only ones experienced in miming Olympics ceremony performances. I wonder why the Western media didn't jump on this story and accuse Australians of "trying to do anything to put on a good show!!"




  1. They probably feel a little embarrassed, but they hope everyone will will soon forget about this.

  2. It's real life. China's been in the hot seat, human rights, Tibet internet Censorship. The Public cared about insulting China and shooting at it. So the media showed that. They villified China for having an ugly girl not sing.

    Now, no one really wants to insult Australia and it's not in the public interest to insult a brilliant country who hasn't done anything to its people like shoot at it.

  3. Because the western nations never consider China as a partner  in this internation arena to begin with and their news media has  always been brainwashing  their people to be the China hater whenever, wherever it is possible especially during the time their leaders can not resolve their domestic issues at home.

  4. ssssiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhh.................

    It's not the Olympics or their staging that bothers us. It's that their few gaffs in the Olympic Games of all places only highlight their civil rights abuses elsewhere; they're a nation consumed with doing anything to put up a fasçade of power in all places, not just the olympics, and their citizens suffer horribly because of this, due to pollution, jail sentences, restriction of the media, and widespread cancer due to pollution.

  5. In the pop world few if any recordings are live. They all get altered , added to etc before the final recording is released. The days when singers were real singers and music was real music are far gone. Today its all fake or mimed. Sad really.  

  6. Possibly because nobody noticed and they have only now admitted to it?

  7. why rehash old news.

  8. because china are in the hot sear for all of their human rights violations and what not, whereas australia is a very good country

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