
How do all you Nay-sayers feel about the issue of Global Warming now?

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We've had a fine autum, winter and semi-spring/lagging winter so far. The weather has been weird, much more so than average.

Whats next? Locusts, Famine, Earthquakes, Droughts,Tidal Waves, . . .

Uhmm aren't we already getting these in various parts of the world, but occuring more frequently and lasting longer, as well as the beginings of multiple extinctions of various species of animals and flora?

Guess what, everything is gonna get worse before it gets better.

How much worse do you think it will get?




  1. U are like a nut in a boat that u have set on fire to prove your point and taking pride in other people being burned don't u know it will get u.

  2. As for much effect did we have.    The earth has been continually been getting warmer for the last millenium.   Get use to it.  Even if we stopped all the industry and the cars tomorrow, it won't help.  It will still get warmer.

       But it is a way to sell cars, and other stuff (and marketers are always looking for a new angle)

       So instead of improving what is already on the road with some small adapter....,but "f*** no, lets make a whole car".

      Very wasteful.   And the public don't even think about that.

      A motor swap could have done the same job and would have used far less materials and energy to make logically "IF THEY REALLY GAVE A HOOT".  But they don't.

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