
How do animals suffer in order for people to obtain milk, eggs, etc...?

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i want to start eating vegan and I'm intrested in knowing how people make animals suffer in order to obtain things such as milk and eggs from them.

links would be very helpful!





  1. Cows need to be milked and chickens lay eggs.  What's the problem?

  2. From my understanding, organic and free ranged farms tend to be more holistic towards their animals. Other farms are more concerned about the animals welfare.

    If you wish to go vegan then go vegan.

    If you want to help the animals and still drink milk/eat eggs, buy your food at health shops like trader joes!

  3. If you had every lived on a farm & seen a cow suffering because she needs to be milked, you would not be mad at the farmer for milking her.

    Chickens lay eggs every day, why should they go to waste? If you choose not to eat meat or animal produces do it because you want to not because you think the are suffering. It is the natural order of thing for lower animals to be eaten by the higher order predators.

    Would you want a tiger to become vegan?

    Stop being silly. Become informed. Do you own research.

  4. This website explains everything about the suffering of animals, and how each specific breed suffers (cows, pigs, chickens & more):

    Just click on "meet the animals" on the side bar.

    And here is a helpful website for recipes, if you do plan to go vegan:

  5. okay go to

    then go to the videos

    then click on "Meet your Meat"

    meet your meat might even be on the homepage .

    it will tell you everything .


    and to get started going vegan go to your local bookstore ( i go to borders) and buy the complete idiots guide to vegan living .


  6. Cows have to get pregnant before they give milk.  Just like people.  They have to be inseminated regularly, or the milk dries up.  If the offspring is male, it is sold for veal.  I'm sure you're aware of what a happy existence awaits them.

    The problem with all egg production is the disposal of male chicks. Because male chicks don't lay eggs and don't grow fast enough to be raised for meat, they are a financial burden, except for the few used as studs. On average, one rooster is used to service ten hens. So nine out of ten male chicks are considered useless and will be killed by the cheapest means  possible.  They are usually tossed into large plastic garbage bags, and left to suffocate.

  7. It is true that some of the animals at some farms are mistreated...however they aren't supposed to be.  Regardless if you stop eatting eggs, meat, etc, or not, chickens will still lay eggs and cows will still be made into steaks.

  8. they don't suffer to provide milk and eggs

  9. To Asbury Park:

    For every innocent child you don't kill, I'm going to kill three!

    Now, does that makes sense? No? Neither does your statement.

    For information about how animals at factory farms for eggs and milk are treated with a cruelty worthy of several circles of h**l, please visit and watch the video.

    Hens lay eggs naturally, which hatch naturally into baby chickens. In factory farms hens are often starved for as many as fourteen days to induce egg-laying. Many chickens suffer from vital deficiencies in nutrients because they are forced to lay so many eggs (those shells don't just come from nowhere, folks. They're made from calcium and other nutrients a hen uses to survive.)

    Cows do not need to be milked. When a cow has a baby, just like when your mother had you, the mother cow's body produces milk for the baby to drink. If a mother cow has not produced offspring in a while, the milk naturally dries up, freeing up vital nutrients for the cow's own survival. Dairy cows on factory farms are impregnated once a year, and both during and after pregnancy are hooked up to milking machines (metal contraptions that often cut the sensitive tissues of the udder) all day long. The calves that they birth never even get to taste their mother's milk, but are shipped off to veal farms (where they are put into a small box with no room to turn around or sleep comfortably until they are slaughtered for their meat in months or years). If they are not shipped off to veal farms, they are raised to go through the same hellish torture as their parents.

    On another note, male baby chickens (roosters) on factory farms are literally ground up alive in machines called macerators. Since they do not lay eggs, the farmers have no use for them, and so they are literally ground to pieces while still alive.

    So, still eating your eggs and drinking your milk? Consider this: humanity is the only species on the planet that continues to drink milk after our infancy, and we are also the only species on the planet that drinks the milk of another creature. That milk was meant for baby cows, not your morning breakfast.

  10. Uh, animals have been providing milk and eggs for EONS and long before we ever walked the Earth. Believe me, they aren't suffering one little bit.

    For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three.

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