
How do archaeologists, geologists, and biologists react to people who deny evolution outright?

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What do you guys think of people saying things like this:

Do they ever say it here, or is it just Religion and Spirituality?




  1. I try to reason with them, educate them - it seems futile sometimes, but we can't give up trying to teach them about reality.

  2. With a weary sigh. There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

  3. As a college and HS teacher, I used to get frustrated.  But now, I don't let it bother me.  I have learned that there is little I can say in the time frame of one class that is going to erase the brainwashing that they have been subjected to since birth by their parents/church etc.  I do try to impress opun them the scientific method, and how faith differs from science.

  4. As a microbiologist I ask them if they believe that bacteria change over time to resist antibiotics? Most say over course. Then I tell them that they believe in evolution.

    Other than that I groan silently and try to escape to people who have better reasoning skills.

  5. I think that they realize that it is like talking to a wall or a rock.   When some people have their minds made up, they will not listen to any other points of view objectively.    The arguments against evolution are mostly made up, false, BS, but people believe it.

  6. As a biologist, I feel sorry for them.  Science has figured out so much in the last 500 years, and the picture that science has created  is far more fascinating than is any religious view.  My issue with the anti-science community is the way that they want to push their views as an alternative to science in the classroom.

  7. People are constantly coming here to ask questions and issue challenges regarding evolution and religion.  In general, the scientists here answer patiently and respectfully, although probably futilely.

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