
How do attempt to destroy the part of you that you despise?

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How do attempt to destroy the part of you that you despise?




  1. You can't really destroy it. You just have to give it kindness and happiness, and accept it as something you can't change, but you can ignore. And if you feel happy and kind, it should go away.

  2. If you happen to be an evil b*****d that despises his/her good side, then you can simply destroy your good side by running for President. Seems to kill all goodness in a person right quick.

    If on the other hand you are a generally decent person who wishes to destroy some "dark side" or another, that's more difficult.  The only way is death - ego death if not bodily death. But few of us want to become mindless zombies for the rest of our lives.

    Rather than trying to destroy it, you should be trying to control it. Let it express itself in the privacy of your own mind, but not anywhere else. Letting it give voice to its urges is vital, and if you do that often enough, you'll find you don't have to struggle with it so much any more.

  3. It depends what part your trying to destroy. Is it on the out side or inside. If it's the outside love it and embrace it because real beauty is on the inside. If it's  a behavior then work on changing it, but beware behaviors have a way of slipping back in there in other words you can arrest it but it;s never arrested for good unless you continue to work on it. Tip: work on it daily I promise you will see results.

  4. All of us have bad sides.  I don't think its possible to fully destroy your bad side, you can quarantine it though (that means, keep it under control)

    Everybody has one.  I like to suppress mine to the size of a walnut, and let it stay trapped in there unless someone does something really horrible to me or my family.  But even then, the situation should be dealt with appropriately, and not primevally, lol.

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