
How do autistic children react to darkness?

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How do they react to lights out?




  1. My autistic brother hates the darkness. If it is dark it is an instinct for him to turn on the lights. My solution was to put a green(his favorite color) night light in room. Now he sleeps peacefully every night.

  2. My son Thomas is nine he has severe autism ..he loves the dark especially when he is playing with one of his toys ..all children with autism are different so might not apply for most autistic kids

  3. They react differently, just as any child.  They love lights that illuminate pictures on the wall or ceiling.  It fascinates them.  Some children sit and rock, some just stare at the pictures.

  4. My daughter is autistic and dosen't act much different with the darkness then other children her age. she is 17 months.

  5. Differently.

  6. Like everyone has said, they react diffeently.  My 6 year old loves the dark, until it's time to go to bed.  He always has his lights off and the blinds closed during the day.  But at bed time he needs 2 night lights, a flashlight, and the hall light on with his door open.

  7. You can't stereotype all autistic children as they are all so different. My child, who is autistic, loves the dark. It is the only time she will go to sleep as there is nothing to distract her.

  8. I have a 13 year old autistic son and he just wont sleep ..

    In the early days he had to had a night light which kept him from going to sleep

    Now he falls asleep watching tv

  9. Depends on the child. Mine with autism have visual perception delays, so that things look weird anyway. So, having it dark definitely distorts what things look like, which is disturbing to one who depends on continuity for comfort.

  10. My son is AUTISTIC *9 years old he Has to have the T.V On since he was 2 years old and hes 9  years and so is my 6 year old that might have Autism also.

    And they scream and Have a lot of paranoia.

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