
How do bees make wax in the winter time?

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How do bees make wax in the winter time?




  1. I think the majority of hive construction occurs in the summer when the nectar (sugars) and pollen (protein) is abundant. Pollen and nectar(nectar is converted into honey) are stored in the hive cells for consumption.

    Younger, worker (hive) bees feed larvae, drones, and the queen with nectar and pollen brought in from the older field bees. During the winter, when flowers are unavailable, the bees would consume their honey stores to feed the queen and the larvae (they kick out the male drones to fend for themselves) and to produce wax from their wax glands.

    I love bees... :)

    Edit: Brainstorm is right...during the cold winter they are dormant, using all their energy to keep the queen warm and for the occasional excretory outing. Where I live, the winter is very mild, so the bees are more active than in most areas.

  2. They are dormant in winter

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