
How do betta fish get oxygen?

by  |  earlier

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i noticed at the store that they have betta fishes in small plastic containers. how do the betta fish get their oxygen from this water? i've also seen betta fish put into small containers without any bubblers and they seem to be surviving fine. so i went out and got my own betta fish, and put it in this see-through pot (looks really nice), but i'm just wondering how they get their oxygen?




  1. ive had a Betta for almost 5 years now and he finally passed away last week, and here is a website read it and it will answer your question thou- rally...

  2. They have lungs like us so they breathe from the surface.

  3. First they do not have lungs they have what is called a labyrinth organ.

    When a betta takes oxygen from the air it gets forced thru this organ.  inside there are many compartments of plates covered in a membrane called lamellae (?) blood passes thru these membranes adding oxygen to the blood and into the blood stream.  They don't directly breath the air.  

  4. Betta's can breath from the surface as well as from the water.  It's one of the adaptations they've made to be able to survive in drought times since they live mostly in the rice paddies of Thailand.

    Although they can survive in small stagnant areas they spend most of their life in the wild in large water areas.  To keep one comfortably in your home you need at least a 5 gallon heated filtered tank.  They prefer water temperatures in the 80F area and need the water to be clean.  I equate it to you being able to survive in a cold closet or being able to live comfortably in a large well heated home.


  5. OK, well bettas can breathe fromt he surface. if they cant have acess to surface air once and a while they will drown. but the sad truth that most people dont realise, is bettas also do like to breathe from the surface. they liek doing BOTH so they get the bad end of the stick because they can breathe from the surface.

    as ar as the lil cups go, its because its TEMPORARY and the fish cannot be together or theyll fight to the death. unfortunatly, after buying many new owners are mis-guided. the truth is bettas are TROPICAL. this means they are happiest adn thriving in a tank of atleast 5 gallons with a gentle filter and a heatr set to 80*F... sure, you can put him in a bowl thing with no filter and no heat, and h**l survive. but he wont thrive and be happy. please give your beta what ti needs to thrive!! =]

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