
How do birds, fish and reptiles procreate?

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How do they procreate since they have no vaginas or penises like mammals do? Do they rub their vents together?




  1. They have eggs.

  2. it depends on the bird, fish, or reptile. some do have penises and vaginas.

  3. Many types of female fish deposit their roe (eggs) on a particular type of substrate (bottom of the lake or stream), then the males swim over them and cover them with milt.  Voila! New generation of fishies!

    Turtles and tortoises mate the conventional way, but veerrrry  sloooowlyyy.  In.             Out.          In.

  4. through sexual reproduction

  5. They produce eggs that hatch after a predetermined period and the young will come out. Impregnation, s*x-act or coitus is just like other mammals with p***s, v****a and all that, except in some fishes. In this fish both genders release the respective spawn and egg matter on to the water (the genders physically force the other to release) that unite to produce the eggs.

  6. This could be a very "long" answer to a very involved question, but I'll try to be brief.

    Birds do not have penises, but they do have, what seems to most people, a p***s-like organ.  This is most evident in ducks and Ostriches.  They mate by just touching cloacas, or vents, and the male instantly injects the sperm inside the female.

    Fish do not mate at all.  The female lays the eggs into the water and as she does so, the male injects a cloud of sperm cells over the eggs.  This settles onto and around the eggs and fertilizes them. Amphibians are similar to this, but the male clasps the female (amplexsis) while on her back and then deposits the sperm into the water as she lays her egg mass.

    Reptiles do mate.  The males (except for turtles and tortoises) have a Hemipenis, which is similar to having two penises, one on each side of the vent.  This is so that when the male wraps around the female he can use the organ that is on that particular side. The Hemipenis is "inverted" into the females vent and the sperm is injected.  

    One of the main classifications in differentiating animals on the evolutionary scale is in the way they procreate.  The most primitive of creatures just divide, while the most advanced have "internal" fertilization.  These more advanced methods have a higher guarantee of success.  And, the most advanced method of all, is where the male can inject the sperm deep within the female to further increase the possibility of a more successful joining of sperm and egg.

  7. female lays eggs (in a pile, on the ground) then the male sprays sperm all over it...

  8. it depends on how their eggs are fertilised...

    if their eggs are fertilised in the bodies like birds and some fishes or reptiles or amphibians....

    so during mating...the male will place their "openings" close to the females for their sperms to enter the females' "openings"

    otherwise if the eggs are fertilised out of the body

    the female wuld lay the eggs and the male will fertilise the eggs by releasing sperms


    during mating they release their eggs and sperms at the same time

  9. Actually, reptiles do have penises. In fact, snakes and lizards have two (though they don't use them both at the same time). All birds, fish and reptiles have a cloaca - a single opening through which they mate, excrete and give birth/lay eggs. Reptiles mate by the male extruding the p***s from his cloaca and inserting it into the female's cloaca. His sperm is deposited inside her, and swims to her eggs. Most reptiles then lay eggs, but some species of snake and lizard give birth to live young.

    The majority of birds do not have penises (a few, such as ostriches, ducks and buffalo weavers do - these mate in the same way as reptiles). They mate simply by pressing their cloacas together, the male squirting his sperm into the female.

    Fish, unlike birds and reptiles, reproduce using external fertilization. The female lays her eggs, and the male then covers them with his sperm to fertilize them.

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