
How do black athletes get white girls in college?

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How do black athletes get white girls in college?




  1. most white girls are dumb............that's why

  2. 2 people answered thistion for what it is . a question posted by a racists , ignorant moron . to the young lady well done . to the young man simple but accurate . to the other sub life forms . the klan is gone , it is history . but if you insist with your attitudes . great wal-mart sale on bed sheets , buy some along with pilloecases . few swatikas . brand new ward robe . om behalf of the other answers , and espicially for the young lady who has to much class for you idiots  . TAKE A HIKE FIND A LIFE YOU IGNORANT RACISTS M/FS  thank you

  3. Who knows?  

    Any answer we give can be nothing more than a guess as women are not human.

    They are in fact a different species that was provided so that we males don’t get board between masculine type endeavours such as killing a beast, (for food or sport)  winning a war or inventing wonderful things like, guns,  the petrol engine and cigarettes.  

    We the human male are the superior beasts in Gods kingdom.   "The best I have even made."   God told his angels.  

    Thats just one idea I have.  Following is another.........

    Maybe some visiting aliens delivered women to planet Earth as part of some twisted experiment.  This sort of fits as they were cleverly concealed in bodies that are very similar to  mens yet not totally the same. This way the Aliens could identify their agents yet we humans would not notice.  Very cunning I must say.

    If you take my advice you will ignore these alien spies.

    Let those black boys have them as they are trouble.

    Its going to be a long battle but friend please don’t allow women near your weekend drinks with the boys. They will quickly spike your beer with the drug “Lust.” Once poisoned you are lost to lust forever.

  4. Well probably the same way that any man usually "gets" any woman - the woman is attracted to the individual qualities of the man.  Being athletic probably helps a bit though LOL.

  5. What's the difference between white girls and any other color of girls?

    Just be yourself.

    Don't be a perv or a jerk.

    Be a gentlemen.

    There are very few good men left in the world;

    maybe you can show them that isn't the case.

  6. STAY AWAY FROM OUR WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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