
How do blind people know which bus (of if any bus) is coming?

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I cant read bus numbers any more, which makes it hard to stop just the one I need.




  1. You could try asking some people in the bus queue to tell you when your bus is coming. Just check that when you get on the bus it is the correct one incase some one plays a cruel joke on you.

  2. 2 ways.

    Blind people know how to tell time using a special watch for the blind. There are printed bus schedules and blind people have sighted friends who can read schedules to them so they know WHEN.

    They can also ASK the bus driver WHAT bus number it is or what route is displayed when the bus stops to the side of them as they wait at a designated stop.

  3. Usually by asking

  4. in Los Angeles, Metro offfers what they call :Flash cards

    (basically its a small roldex which you can carry with you)  which has numbers both in bold the idea

    being when you get to your bus find you find the bus line

    you want on the flash card then you are to hold it up so

    teh bus drivers can see it

    (I have tried and it seems to works)

    althoiugh now adays most of the bus have voice annoucments

    saying what bus this is)

  5. there are braille travel schedule or you can call for info.

    i have seen a blind person catch a bus where the driver stopped and shouted out what number bus he was driving. it does mean relying on somone else to help you though

  6. you can request someone at the stop look out for you or let the bus stop and ask them what bus it is after they stop.

  7. I had a girlfriend some years back with the same problem.  She had vision but was legally blind.  She would hold her CNIB card up and ask the driver if this was "such and such" bus.

  8. I live in Baltimore, Maryland and when a bus comes it has a speaker saying the number of the bus.

  9. A friend of mine who is sadly no longer with us, used to stick her arm out for everything which sounded like a bus and ask them what number they were! That was OK providing they wee buses she flagged down. A couple of times she stopped strangers in camper vans! lol:-)) She never had any problems and was always treated with the utmost courtesy and respect.

  10. Maybe they ask someone else at the bustop.  That's what I do when I have not put my contact lenses in !!!!

  11. you can hear a bus, and I assume you know where your bus stop is.

    say to someone: "excuse me, can you please tell me the bus number?"

    or to the driver when the door opens, to double-check

  12. contact the bus company, l work for travel west midlands and partially sighted or blind people can be given bus numbers on boards to hold up so us drivers know that you want our bus, hope this helps.

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