
How do blink people tell the differences in paper money?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard that some people who are blind CAN tell the difference between the paper bills such as $1 $5 $10 Etc. But how? I've never noticed ANYTHING different in feeling them.




  1. apparently a common practice is folding the corners a certain way which can help to distinguish the different denominations once you set up a system. At least that was one that i heard at one point. Hopefully they pass the legislation soon to correct the problem, cause theres no real reason why we cant have money that is more accessible to the blind.



  3. hold their eyes open VERY WIDE? sorry couldn't resist, but I believe(I could be wrong) that there is a texture they look for(so to speak) Also I know that those who are blind will have someone sighted, arraigned their money in the wallet a specific way, and memorize how many of what bill in what order and so on. When I drove a cab, some blind people would just ask,and keep track of what they started and stopped with and so on. Sometimes they would know full well they were holding  $10 and ask if it was a $1 just to test my honesty. After a while they would only ride with the one or two people had passed the test before.

  4. they fold their money so they can tell the difference between the bills and they can tell the coins by feeling the texture . When i worked at a bank we helped a blind man when giving his money back to him we folded it the way he did so he could discriminate the denominations and he would put them in his wallet in a certain way!  It was actually very interesting and educational helping him as a customer.  I also signed a petition that he was trying to help pass to change the way they made denominations of moneys to help the blind decipher the difference because of it being a discrimination issue and everyone in the bank signed the petition!

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