
How do/can I become famous/discovered?

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im not that great at singing and i havent ever tried acting. i really want to be famous or at least be discovered. im 13 and desperate foe help! please help me. thanks everyone! to answer please message me on myspace because i rarely check yahoo. my url on myspace is: ck_lover.




  1. There are a lot of ways- Down in History Famous would probably be invent a new art style. Noticed? the best is probably websites if you cant, try to find a gallery nearby

  2. well lets see stay in school.worry about being famous later on in life.

  3. if your just in it for the fame and fortune.. honestly dont bother. if its not something you really love, and by the looks of your question (im not that great at singing and i havnt ever tried acting) its not, then its really not going to be worth it to you even if you do get famous, which again, if its not something you really love or really have a talent for, you probably wont.

    but i might be wrong... if you really do love it and believe your good enough then what you need to do is start writing songs, or get involved with acting and plays and stuff. myspace is actually a good way to get discovered so if you start writing, make a music myspace and see what happens. but make sure you get your songs copywriten frist.

  4. You're 13! Well, I guess you could sell your soul to Disney. They're always looking.

  5. You are just 13, FOCOUS ON SCHOOL!

  6. you could always become a model since your singing and acting are subpar.

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