
How do car rental places check for insurance?

by  |  earlier

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Do they just need the insurance card or do they have some sort of system to check it out?




  1. when you go for a rental vehicle, the rental agent will ask for for insurance info. and will vertify it through your agent.

  2. You will need to show them your insurance card. Then the rental company will call your insurance company to verify coverages and if the policy is in good standings

  3. they will call and confirm you carry insurance. hope this helps

  4. They do not check if you give them an Insurance company name but remember, if you have an accident, and do not have insurance, you are still liable for all damages.   Also, most credit cards provide the collision damage waiver insurance (CDW) automatically for you if you use their card to pay for the rental.

  5. they will call your agent or company.  i get calls all day to verify for rentals.

  6. They will either offer it to you which is usually a ridiculous price, some times the cost of renting the car per day is less than the insurance, or you can use your current insurance if you have a vehicle to cover your rental.  I'm not sure if that's what you're really asking.  You don't have to get insurance if you don't want to, course its better that you do even though it cost a lot.

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