
How do carbon emissions contribute to global warming?

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Hi there!

I need a little help on this question. Do you think you could give me some information on how exactly do carbon emissions contribute to global warming...a website would be fine to!

Also could you give me some evidence on why carbon emissions do NOT contribute to global warming?

Thanks bunches! 10 points for best answer!




  1. The entire idea of global warming is a hoax and a conspiracy! Just wait until the day we start getting carbon taxes.....and for whatever minute temps the globe is warming over time, how can we be sure that isnt necessary to keep up with ever increasing population of the planet? we could end up with devastating consequences trying to alter the inevitable, who can know for sure? I think the media and gov't has done a fine job throwing everyone into a panic state over it, and it's scary to think what their agenda may be.

    or maybe Im just paranoid and don't trust the gov't at all....

  2. The Earth's climate changes in response to external forcing, including variations in its orbit around the Sun (orbital forcing),[15][16],[17] changes in solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions,[18] and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The detailed causes of the recent warming remain an active field of research, but the scientific consensus[19][20] is that the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases due to human activity caused most of the warming observed since the start of the industrial era. This attribution is clearest for the most recent 50 years, for which the most detailed data are available. Some other hypotheses departing from the consensus view have been suggested to explain most of the temperature increase. One such hypothesis proposes that warming may be the result of variations in solar activity.[21][22][23]

    None of the effects of forcing are instantaneous. The thermal inertia of the Earth's oceans and slow responses of other indirect effects mean that the Earth's current climate is not in equilibrium with the forcing imposed. Climate commitment studies indicate that even if greenhouse gases were stabilized at 2000 levels, a further warming of about 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) would still occur.[24]

    Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

  3. Check out this  site.  It investigates both sides of the argument.

    The conclusion is:

    There are no experimental data to support the hypothesis that increases in human hydrocarbon use or in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are causing or can be expected to cause unfavorable changes in global temperatures, weather, or landscape. There is no reason to limit human production of CO2, CH4, and other minor greenhouse gases as has been proposed (82,83,97,123).

    We also need not worry about environmental calamities even if the current natural warming trend continues. The Earth has been much warmer during the past 3,000 years without catastrophic effects. Warmer weather extends growing seasons and generally improves the habitability of colder regions.

    As coal, oil, and natural gas are used to feed and lift from poverty vast numbers of people across the globe, more CO2 will be released into the atmosphere. This will help to maintain and improve the health, longevity, prosperity, and productivity of all people.

    The United States and other countries need to produce more energy, not less. The most practical, economical, and environmentally sound methods available are hydrocarbon and nuclear technologies.

    Human use of coal, oil, and natural gas has not harmfully warmed the Earth, and the extrapolation of current trends shows that it will not do so in the foreseeable future. The CO2 produced does, however, accelerate the growth rates of plants and also permits plants to grow in drier regions. Animal life, which depends upon plants, also flourishes, and the diversity of plant and animal life is increased.

    Human activities are producing part of the rise in CO2 in the atmosphere. Mankind is moving the carbon in coal, oil, and natural gas from below ground to the atmosphere, where it is available for conversion into living things. We are living in an increasingly lush environment of plants and animals as a result of this CO2 increase. Our children will therefore enjoy an Earth with far more plant and animal life than that with which we now are blessed.

  4. they collect in the atmosphere and absorb the suns heat making it hotter but just so you know its all a hoax

  5. Well, there was a theory once that explained all of this but two years ago this theory was blown out of the water when test results and historic data showed that it did not happen that way. CO2 is required to be in the atmosphere for plants to survive and for us to breathe. In fact the hottest period in our planets history was during Pleistocene era when O2 levels were nearly 90% compared to today's 22% and yet the temperatures of the poles were tropical by today's standards.

    So to answer your question, carbon emissions do not contribute to global warming unless you are a politician seeking office.

  6. Clearly CO2 is a greenhouse gas and should increase temperatures, albeit slightly.  In the past, CO2 did not drive tempertures.  Temperatures drove CO2 concentrations.  As the earth naturally warms and cools, the CO2 concentration increases and decreases but it follows the temperature change by about 800 years.  If CO2 concentrations drove temperature, then CO2 concentrations would change first.  The truth is there are other things that determine temperature.  For example, the mechanism that determine just how much water vapor is in the atmosphere are poorly understood.  Water vapor is a far more important greenhouse gas than CO2.  Since man cannot be blamed for water vapor, alarmists focus on CO2 and pretend that they know it is causing warming.  They don't.

  7. I put a link below you should read the second one down.  Basically the laws of thermo state,  a cold body can not warm up a hot body.  I have always question the balances (not all of them do) that show re-radiation from CO2 back to earth.  It is not possible as the CO2 is colder than the earth.  This is a good article, that answered some of my Thermo concerns.  

    I am still looking in to this.  I have seen very little "scientific" responces that they have not answered.  Some would say open and closed system.

  8. GW is a scam by Gore and the Left. The plants have the CO2 under control. The environmentalist say there is 380 ppm. There is 20.9% of our atmosphere is oxygen.Convert 380 ppm. to percent it is .000380 % of our atmosphere. That is nothing.

  9. It doesn't - human that is. Carbon emmissions only account for 0,117% of 3% of all greenhouse gasses.

  10. they create a green house affect that traps light inside of the earths atmospere.

  11. The correct answer is none.  No one would be able to tell you if it would be warmer or colder if co2 emissions doubled, and there's no sure data that shows if it will be warmer or colder if co2 levels were cut in half.

    Global temperatures follow the Sun's heat, not caused by man.

  12. Well.

    Carbon Dioxide is good for warming up the planet.

    But the problem is there is too much Carbon Dioxide being thrown out and that causes the Earth to warm.

    And so that shows that too much of anything is bad

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