
How do cats recognize their owner?

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I tried to fool my cat, who waits for me everyday by the driveway (hot/cold/snow/rain/storm).

I tried hiding my head in my coat.

Parking the car far away and walking home under a blanket downwind.

Even tried making strange sounds while approaching the house.

Always knows its me.

There are many people that go by the house and through the house, but somehow the cat can distinguish me from the rest.

Even a human cannt tell who the person is if under a blanket.




  1. Cats are amazing thats all i have to say...I have no idea how they know who you are they are very smart..My sister and I were playing hide and seek with my 2 month old kitten we had and we both hide in the shower with the curtain like normal and it was dark and he found us and he kept finding us everytime and the whole house was dark! We would put him in the other part of the house and my brother would let him out and he would meow at us everytime..

  2. my cats know the sound of my footsteps, even when I was using crutches.  All animals can sense thier owners I think....there was an Animal Planet special once about how dogs and cats cansense thier owners from even a mile away - and one rides a bus that lets her off a 1/2 mile from her house - but the dog always woke up and went to the door to wait (even thou it was a different times of the day).  After a year of being gone in the military, my son's cat went crazy at the door, just like he used to when my son came home from school, about 20 minutes before he walked in the was suppose to be a surprise for me, but I knew when Monster started going nuts, my son was close by.

  3. when i have a tin opener in one hand and a tin of meat in the other.

    that's how my cats know me,or they see me has a large bottle of milk.

  4. lol that's cute.

    They recognize your scent.

  5. i doubt anyone else walks up to your house and goes in it.your cat apparently realises this. it can probably disinguish you by your walk, voice, scent...etc

  6. The scent !  

  7. cats are smarter than we give them credit for, they know our smell, a cat sense of smell is 500 times better than ours  

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