
How do children without vaccines attend school?

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When I was in high school me and a lot of other kids weren't allowed to return to school until we were up to date with our vaccines.

Is there a way around it? Legal papers or something? I don't have kids so I'm just curious, I've been hearing a lot about the vaccine debate and it made me remember what happened when I was in school. That was just 6 years ago and I was late on one shot (not sure which) and I had to wait until my mom could get a day off from work to take me. I lost about 2 weeks of schooling that I had to make up for during fall break.




  1. All states offer medical exemptions. All but 2(MS and WV) offer religious exemptions, no proof of religious affiliation needed. 18 States offer philosophical exemptions.

  2. they go to school just like other kids. they might take medicines to school that they have to take certain hours. plus they have to give the principal their medical records.

  3. You forge fake documents that say you got your shots. You show them to the principle and if they don't belive you make them somehow. That wasn't part of the agreement. And if they send u to jail get parol get your shots and go back to school. oh and just a question why the h**l would u wanna go to school anyways?

  4. We just received a letter asking me to update my daughters immunizations for kindergarten, we already had the appt. but included in the letter was a memo saying that if we choose not to vaccinate we have to fill out a conscientious objection form at the district office.  Apparently here you can just say you don't want to, which is kind of scary.

  5. You have to get special forms signed by you and your doctor.

  6. ummm... there was this doctor who could find a way out of those rules... but i think he got in trouble last year... so .... ya......

  7. in most schools, they have to have a valid religious or medical reason. they have to prove the religion, they can't just say I don't want to.

  8. from what I've been told if you don't get vaccines before you tart  school  and because of religious reason you ave to have home school.

    but tis easy it doesn't take long to get a shot an it better and cheaper then a coffin

  9. It depends on the state, but MOST states allow a religious waiver, you just tell them it is against your beliefs, you do NOT have to tell them WHAT religion you are, even if they ask.

  10. If a child has a medical reason to not have the shots or sometimes a religious reason then they can attend with notice stating the reason.  The only time I think it should be allowed though is with children that have low immune systems like HIV or cancer because the vaccines contain live virus's.  To many people are just running scared from them for all the wrong reasons.  Daycares and schools aren't allowed to enroll children that aren't up to date on the shots unless there is a medical reason.

  11. You have to have an official documented reason for not having the vaccines.  All states will allow for a medical reason.  Some states will allow for a religious reason.  And there are a few other states that may have a couple of other reasons, I am not positive.  But, it has to be documented that they do not have the vaccines and it has to be official.  

    The large debate over the vaccines is 2 fold.  Giving several at once, and the mercury that is used to preserve that.  Many people feel that the mercury can lead to autism.  Whether it does or not is debatable.  But it CAN lead to mercury poisoning which does have simular symptoms/aspects.  

    If you get the vaccines without mercury, and done one at a time there really is no risk.

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