
How do clubs decide which caddies get out first?

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Hi, I've been working as a caddy for two years, but the only system for deciding which caddies get out is first come first serve. It just turns into a race, and we're constantly getting up earlier and earlier. Priority should go to better and more experienced caddies. This may seem like a stupid question, but I was just wondering how other clubs decide on an order for caddies.




  1. I think you can request your caddie at some of the local clubs in this area.  Get to be known by the club members and maybe they will ask for your services.

  2. If you talk with the caddie master or head pro about your complaint you will have more luck getting it resolved.  Your best bet is to go with a couple of suggestions rather than just a complaint.

  3. Caddies by request are always first but other than that most caddies are on one list while honor caddies are on another and all the honor caddies get loops before any of the other caddies

  4. kickbacks and bribes .

  5. my club was on the first come basis for years untill recently.  we now have scheduled report times that break up the work force into smaller groups. instead of having everyone report at 7am. we have 4 or 5 come in early, then at 9 have another group come in, so on and so on.  we have been doing this for about 2 years now and it seems to have helped the rat race we all seem to do at other clubs. hope that helps

  6. Kiss up to the caddie master first. After that seniority will play a part.

  7. My idea would be a isolated system based on determined play for the day. 15 caddies should be able to figure a way to make it fair for the day? Actually I have no idea never worked as a caddy sound fun and tiresome.

  8. where i work, it's first come first serve for the B caddies (the new people,) everyone else usually will get called to caddie for someone

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