
How do convince my mom to get me gymnastic lessons?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i once had karate, and i hated it so i quit a month or two later. I want to do a backhand-spring, fronthand-spirng, split, cartwheel, frontflip, backflip, handstand, and a backbend. I could do most of those in the pool, but not outside of it. I would really like gymnastics, but my mom says that she doesnt have the money for it. I ask her if she can help me with my cartwheels, she says yes, but doesnt. In gymnastics, i learn from people with alot of expirience, get to do it on mats, and do it 1 or 2 a week. In august i am getting $1500 braces. How can she pay for that, but dont have the money for gymnastics? Is it that she dont think i can do it because of karate? Please help me convince her gymnastics is what i want to do!




  1. shes prob trying to cut back =/ but if you have friends that are gymasts or cheerleaders they might be able to help you? go to a gym and ask for the rates for a tumbling class maybe you and your mom could work it out if you have a set amount

  2. I do gymnastics. if you have a back yard you can work on most of the things you want to do. like the cartwheel, handstand, backbend. once you get the backbend you can try for the backwalkover. I as a gymnast can do a lot of backhandsprings on grass. (it doesn't hurt that much) i can do backtucks on the gym floor. and fronthandspring fronttuck on the gym floor. just good luck work hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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