
How do cow farts contribute to global warming?

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That doesn't make any sense....




  1. If you stand behind a cow when it farts it is warm

  2. It is stupid as methane is a very light gas . U can not find it and it comes from the borrom of lakes and oceans . Roting trees and many other things . There should be several million cubic ft. around up there but it is not. As the gas gets higher it is oxidized by the sun .  

  3. The farts contain of methane, which is a greenhouse gas.

    Read the link below for full info.

  4. i think it's just 1/5 of the GHG add up all of the poos.

  5. In the same way how human farts do so!

  6. The idea behind it is that when cows f**t they excrete Methane which is a greenhouse gas. This methane goes into the air and traps heat that is bouncing from the sun to the earth and back to the sun. However, the amount of methane excreted from all the cows in the world is not enough to cause a meaningful global warming effect. Factory smog emissions, The Cutting down of trees and even Water vapor (which is a powerful greenhouse gas believe it or not) have more of an effect on global warming than cow farts.

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