
How do current WTO rules undermine the interests of developing countries in their international trade?

by Guest63420  |  earlier

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How do current WTO rules undermine the interests of developing countries in their international trade?




  1. The WTO naturally gives an advantage to already-industrialized countries. For instance, a WTO ruling that seeks to protect endangered turtles by limiting fishing techniques might be more costly to an economy that relies on fishing in tropical waters (SE Asia) than it is to companies in a country with better fishing technology .

  2. WTO tend to favor only the superpowers.

  3. It is like being on welfare.  Why spoil a good thing if someone is willing to give you everything.

  4. WTO was conceptualized by leaders who generally came from industrialized countries, so naturally its whole concept should benefit more the first-world countries than those belonging to the third-world. Except of course China (its policy of no labor union, one child policy, no CBA, controlled currency, no labor strike, etc. made its goods cheap), developing countries were generally disadvantage by the WTO simply because they don't have enough money and technology to face off competition from those who have it.

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