
How do daleks mate ?

by Guest34465  |  earlier

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  1. It's the most electro-erotic thing I've ever seen...

  2. um in test tubes?!? or maybe a small one pops out of the hole when one of the bobbly bits on the dahlek opens who knows hehe!

  3. Daleks don't procreate. They were genetically engineered by the "master" dalek, but after the doctor destroyed most of the daleks (and the master with them), the remaining ones don't have the knowledge about this.

  4. "s*x - termin - mate, s*x - termin - mate"

    Only problem is they can't get upstairs  

  5. how geeky are some o these answers lmao

  6. with great difficulty

  7. Just the usual bump and grind - lots and lots of bump, and a h**l of a lot of grind!!

  8. By going round to see your mother. No, I don't have any pics sorry.
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