
How do deal with autism and apathy?

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whats the best way to get an autistic person enthusiastic about life? Or at least about an activity, or even about just bothering to go use the toilet instead of just peeing themselves.




  1. They always have a fasination with a certain object. e.g something round and blue. Use it as a reinforcer.

  2. People who are diagnosed as being in the Autism Spectrum have such a wide array of abilities and behaviors that I would need a lot more information to help you, and even that might not be good enough.  People with autism learn best through behavior modification techniques and the best methods are positive behavior supports and functional analysis.  I do not think you can train a global concept like "enthusiasm for life", but I think you might find a professional in your area through local autism support groups.  Try looking through government agencies.  One, such as your agency for developmental disabilities, will be able to help you find support groups and give you more information.

  3. Is your live in a mess now or someone has messed up your live?

    you`ve something to say but inexplicit.

    I don`t know what is your problem.

  4. Many autistic people won't respond to spoken communication,

    but Do respond to music.  You could try singing to the person.

    Just make up any tune you can think of, and use that to communicate.

    For example, "It's snack time for John, It's snack time for John, Let's go eat a snack."  "Let's go for a walk now, let's go for a walk, it's a nice sunny day outside."  (I wish I could somehow convey the tune!)

    When the autistic person hears you sing it, the activity sounds more fun and exciting.

    For toileting, for example, if they use the bathroom, offer them a special treat.  (They get one or several M&M's) plus  an enthusiastic,

    "Great Job!" with a big smile from you.

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