
How do deal with "anitGod" coworkers?

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i have 3 people that i work with almost daily and they r more than athiest they r anti religion...more like anti God...all they do is trash Christians and thier beleifs...they make fun of and mock God and Jesus and the Bible...and i have stood up and told them that I am Christian and i was made to look stupid and of these people is my boss and as i work hard to impress him in my job and work towards seems like the more i express my faith the more he looks at me as some "foolish christian". dont get me wrong MUCH rather be made fun of and thought stupid for loving God than to be considered smart and good for rejecting Him. but what hurts is hearing them constantly trash Him and try to use science to prove his "nonexistance". my boss (the ringleader lol) knows the Bible front to back (Bible says even the devil knows the Bible) and yet doesnt believe...maybe it shouldnt bother me as it does but i want them to believe i pray for their souls but i also know if i try to force it to them it will only push them farther away...any advice on what to do? or how to handle it or even to get thru my day without getting so down from what they say?




  1. Stop bathing.  It will give them something else to talk about.

  2. You could probably sue them or the company for harassment in the work place.  You should not have to endure their petty, intolerant taunting at work.  Inform management, and if nothing is done about the matter, get a good lawyer.

  3. Pray for them and set a good example in the way you do things as they relate to them.

  4. Maybe something you're doing is inspiring all this talk on their part - maybe it is you who is bringing the subject of religion into the workplace, where it doesn't belong. So that inspires them to start their atheist talk. Or maybe it's just them. But consider you've identified yourself as a Christian through some fish sticker or other prop - and you have openly displayed your religion in a place where it doesn't belong. I know you think you take your religion everywhere, but separation of church and state basically means keep the church stuff inside the church. And maybe you are also exaggerating their behavior because it is against your beliefs. Otherwise it sounds like you work with some really evil, hateful people, which could be true, but maybe consider they are just speaking through logic and reason, not hate and evil, which is a quite differnt thing.  

  5. This question has put a knot in my brain. I have prayed, considered my own knowledge of scripture and experiences, and yet the answer keeps coming the same.

    This we know: we are Christian no matter where we are, and being in the workplace is not a valid reason to stop you from following and being obedient to God.

    Somehow, I suspect that at least one of those co-workers is questioning their thinking about God. Only God knows which it is. There may be more than one.

    This also we know: you are their example of what a Christian is, and does. They will have their preconceived ideas of what a Christian is and does, but at such times when needed, you can instruct.

    Force? Never.

    Even our Lord Jesus did not force Himself on those that did not want Him. This is the way He has chosen.

    We know also that a main tactic against Christians is to ridicule, to play on the pride of the natural one wishes to be thought a fool, or be seen as stupid. Never fall for it.

    What these "scientific" ones have not thought of is that the spiritual, AND God, cannot be subjected to testing, touching, or reproduced in a lab somewhere. This is how they view reality.

    If they cannot observe it, it cannot be real.

    If I had to advise you, I would recommend continuing your walk with God, speak of Him when necessary. Do not be baited into a debate which will end with a scientific argument, since the definitions are changed as to how to know reality...

    Of course the continuation of prayer, but I would add the emphasis that God would open the eyes of whoever is just going along with the crowd but has their mind open.

    Remain steadfast in your faith, never waver. You can do this through Christ. You can do all things in Christ.

    Personally, I feel sorrow for those so blinded by the lies that men have told. They consider themselves nothing but mere evolved animals that will die and are no more, not realizing the higher calling God has for each.

  6. Oh, heck, another new religion.  One that worships the "anitGod".  Just what this world needs.  

  7. God doesn't expect you to do anything but to still keep Him in your heart and let Him deal with your co-workers on His own time and in His own way. The best way to get back at these people is to agree and laugh with them even though you really don't inside. You will be mocking their mocking God without arguing which is what they really want from you. It takes awhile to do it this way but it can be done and have good results in stopping it, plus God won't hold it against you for doing it.

  8. It's nice that you stand up for your beliefs, but not in this situation. Not everyody believes in Christianity, but constantly making fun of somebody's beliefs in incredibly childish. Besides the more you stand up for it, the more they know that they are getting to you [one of the people they are making fun of] and the first rule of bullying is to ignore the bullies.You don't need to reject God in order to remain quiet about your beliefs. Just ignore them and do your work. You can pray for them if you feel that you need to, but do it in private. No need to strap them to the office chair and shout 'Begone Satan!' at the top of your voice, a simple prayer in the vicinity of your house should do.

    Knowing the Bible front to back doesn't mean someone believes in something. You could read the Dragonlance Cronicles and memorize them, but that doesn't mean you're going to start believing in Paladine, Gilean, and Takhisis.

    Continue praying for them, if God wants them, he will call them to him.

    Good luck!

    *Don't try to push Christianity on them. Nobody wants to be told constantly that they should "Repent now! Or you're going to h**l!' Just leave them alone and go with the flow.

  9. deflect all of their claims with concrete evidence such as "because it says so in the bible"  

  10. Rise above their ignorance and bigotry and ignore them- you're free to believe what you want without being insulted by them.

  11. As an atheist myself, it's a shame you've had to deal with that at work.  They sound rather unprofessional.  Religion (for or against it) doesn't belong in the work place.

    My best council is to no longer discuss your religion or what you believe. If they continue to hound you, take it up with HR.  

    I may not agree with your beliefs, but I wouldn't condone that behavior.

    On a personal level, (work aside) don't let other people get under your skin so much.  Learn to rise above it.  If you truly believe in god, then don't worry about it.

    If what they say has you questioning it, then be open enough to explore other ideas.

  12. as far as witnessing to them, you've already planted the seed all you have to do is watch God grow it. "we have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed". 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

  13. my co-workers are is upper management and the boss who are without Christ...I are thinking about starting a half-hour Bible study.  It is hard to tell the boss he is missing a key to the rest of his life.

  14. Do you become equally offended by their choice in politicians, sports teams, etc.  Do you become that angry/depressed if they trash your choice of presidential nominee? If the answer is "no," then you need to realize religion is under the same category and doesn't deserve any more respect than other choices people make.

  15. Did you ever consider that maybe they're right and you're wrong? No, I didn't think so. 'christians' just don't get it. And work on your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. If I was your boss, and you were responsible for corresponding with our customers, your lack of communication skills would result in you looking for a new job.

  16. Your first mistake was making a big deal out of being a Christian and apparently getting into a religious debate at work.

    You politics, religion, s*x-life, etc, have no business being discussed at work.

    Just do your work and go home. I assume you want to be judged based on your ability to do your job. Then don't bring up sensitive subjects. Obviously.

    Just ignore them. Or if the conversation they are having is offensive or discriminatory, then report them to HR.

    Employers aren't supposed to discriminate based on race, religion, age, sexual orientation, etc...

  17. You can either ignore them or quit.

    And NEXT TIME DO NOT tell anyone your religious beliefs. Noone else needs to know.

    While I dont agree with christianity and the bible, I do beleive that harrassment such as they gave you is wrong.

    You might want to report the company and the boss to the labor dept for religious harrassement.

    Unless it turns out that you started the whole issue by indicating your religion with a book or bible on your desk or a religious picture or a sticker that mentions jesus on your desk or something like that. Then you basically asked for it.  Just so you know for next time - do not make the same mistake again. .

  18. Just do your job, that's what counts. If they judge you basedon religion it is against the law, which I am sure isn't the case. They are probably just chatting amongst themselves like anyone else would who shares the same beliefs. Do you hang around with Muslims, Jews, or Pagans?

    Who are your friends? Probably other Christians. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.  

  19. The next time it comes up with your boss, and he uses the Bible, ask him to prove it false.Remember that all the Christian,Bible and God bashing comes from ignorance, bigotry and pride. Your boss may know what the Bible says, but does not know God. Therefore he knows nothing of the Bible.

    God bless you in your daily walk.

  20. I almost feel sorry for you but if you can't handle people who point out the obvious flaws of your chosen religion then you are going to have a hard life.

    They shouldn't discriminate against you at work though, but then I noticed you said "you expressed your faith" at you are as bad as them maybe? Maybe they don't like uppity know it alls telling them about Heaven & h**l at THEIR workplace.

  21. They're smarter, more informed, and more rational, than you are. Deal with that truth, because they're right, and you're not.

  22. I deal with them all of the time and I just pray for a chance to tell them about my faith. Not all of them are very nice but I am almost always nice to them. It's not always easy but God's there to help me.

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