
How do dentists remove your braces? Does it hurt?

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im getting my braces off in 4 days and im not sure what to expect. and also will they definately take them off if you've made the appointment to take them off even if they're still not 'perfect'?




  1. Here's a website with pictures and a great explanation of the process.

    I would guess that if your teeth aren't ready, your orthodontists might leave them on a bit longer.

    Early congratulations though! C:

    I'm unfortunately getting braces soon.  

  2. It does not cause any pain to remove the brackets. They are easily removed by using special pliers.Once the braces are removed the orthodontist will give you a retainer. A retainer is a removable type of braces that you can remove and replace in the mouth. These should be worn for a few months throughout the day and later for a few hours a day. The orthodontist would advice you on how long you have to wear them.

  3. i remember that getting my braces off wasn't painful at all, but it wasn't exactly pleasant either. i think that it was sort of an annoying feeling of someone tugging a little on my teeth and then popping/cracking off the brackets.

    also, in my experience, orthodontists are ALWAYS out to make more and more money off of you. i remember making several appointments to have them removed and then being told that it would be best if i leave them on a little longer. i think i ended up insisting they take them off. but i guess it all depends on how much money you can spend on them or how good your insurance is.

  4. They remove them by using tiny clipper things, and smoothing down the excess glue on your teeth. They will then take moulds of your teeth ready for the retainer. Good luck !

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