
How do different-looking lens flares/glares happen?

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My main question here, since I know pretty much nothing about photography or optics, is how would different-looking lens flares from the same light source occur? These two pictures were taken with the same camera (brand, lenses, etc.) but in the first there are radial spikes or spokes in the flare and in the second it's more of a globe/halo/orb looking glare:

Reason being is that I'm talking with one of these moan hoax nutsos who thinks the second flare must be from a stage light because it is not consistent with the flare from the sun in the photo taken from space. At this point I'm really more interested in the workings behind this than proving him wrong, since I've been looking through all sorts of photography websites looking for an answer, but setting it straight would help :)




  1. An off-center source will give a different flare pattern from one in the center of the frame. However, it is no use arguing with hoax believers. If they were susceptible to education or logic they wouldn't be where they are today.

  2. Flare happens (and Im not %100 sure on this one, but lens flare as I recall is caused by the light bouncing within the optical elements (glass) rather than passing through.  

    The second picture also has flare but its mostly just overexposed.  All that happened in the second picture was that the photographer was taking a picture of the lunar lander, not of the sky.  Because the sky (sun) was so much brighter it gets washed out in that big ball of light.  Flare like that happens on the earth too...often times pictures with the sun in them will cause these effects.  Modern lenses do their best to limit it, but nothings perfect.  Back in the 60s/early 70s anti-glare coatings were no where near as advanced as they are now.  

    As far as the "inconsistencies" go, flare changes its characteristics depending on the lens being used, the angle of the camera, the position of the light source in the frame, the aperture of the lens....all things hoax followers tend not to pay attention to.  

    You're obviously a smart guy, don't waste your time on these fools, if they want to believe that thousands of Americans have perpetuated a lie for forty years without letting it slip....then let him, you're never going to change his mind, its as likely to be successful as trying to convince a diehard religious fanatic to change his opinion.  

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