
How do doctors neutuer humans?

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I think it's more complicated tehn fixing a cat or dog. I'm not a doctor.

I'm curious.

How do they fix male cats, female cats, male dogs, male humans, female humans, small animals like a hamster and a mouse, and rabbit?




  1. They give them pills that do it chemically.

  2. Doctors don't neuter humans, since neutering involves removing all the reproductive organs ovaries for females and testicles for males, thus no horomones(testosterone or estrogen). This is how it is done for animals making them asexual., or non-sexual  There is such a thing as chemical castration for humans that some have thought should be done to pedophiles and rapists but not a procedure regularly done.  The only time it is done is for s*x changes when men do not want to be men anymore.  There voices would get high pitched and lose the hair on there bodies, and then they get believableants and a few other procedure to make there genitalia more womanly.  

    What you are thinking about is methods of birth control where in women they cut and clamp off the fallopian tube, or in men the spermatic cords.  These tubes connect the ovaries in women and testicles in men to the outer sexual organs.  So basically in humans they leave the testes and ovaries alone and just cut off the tubes that make them useful for reproducing and leave them alone so they can still keep making hormones.

  3. Usually for human males its called a "vasectomy" and for human females it's called a "salpingectomy"

    It's done under the surgeons knife.

  4. why do you ask ,

  5. well, they never neuter small rodents-it doesn't happen. when they fix male animals, they remove the testicles, and when they fix human males, they just remove and cauterize a small section of the tube going to the t******e. the t******e still remains, but the sperm can no longer reach the p***s for ejaculation. so when he ejaculates-no sperm-no pregnancy. for female animals, they remove the ovaries, for female humans, they again remove a section of the fallopian tubes, so the egg cannot reach the uterus, and again, no pregnancy,.

  6. its called a vasectomy (i think i spelled that right)

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