
How do dolphins have sexual pleasure without getting preg.?

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They say dolphins are the only other mammel to have s*x for pleasure. But people use condoms and such to prevent having a child, what do dolphins do? is there a certain season it happens?




  1. It's true, that dolphins, humans and primates have s*x for pleasure.

    Well, when the dolphins have s*x with another dolphin, it kind of does mean a child. But in most dolphin pods, several males can 'have their way' with one female in a day. If the female likes it though, who knows.

    To get sexual excitement, however, dolphins often m********e. Females enjoy rubbing their area against rocks and other dolphins. Males rub against rocks and each other, as well as keeping their p***s out in a strong current.

  2. That's a most excellent question, and the truth, I'm afraid, is that we haven't a clue.  But whatever they're using, they're not the only ones.  Whatever it is, gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) may well be using the same thing.  (They literally speak the same language.)  The gray whale population recovered steadily right up to the point we considered the virgin population level, the number that existed before we began hunting them, and then the birth rate suddenly dropped to near zero and has remained very low ever since.  That doesn't mean they changed their mating behavior, however.  They still court and mate day and night almost constantly the entire three months they are are in Baja California, Mexico, they just don't get pregnant like they used to.

    There is another way in which dolphins give each other sexual pleasure called beak-genital propulsion.  This is where one dolphin dolphin sticks its beak into another dolphin's genital slit and pushes it along, sometimes in a straight line, sometimes in graceful arcs, and sometimes in tight circles.  The beak is not placed in the v****a, it is placed farther forward in the genital cleft, in a little hollow where the clitoris and the tip of the retracted p***s are both located.  

    When dolphins do this, the up and down motions of the tail cause "agitation" of the beak, and if there were any lingering doubt about whether they were doing it for the pleasure it gives them, they usually make loud low-frequency f**t-like noises when they do it, that you can hear clearly if you're nearby in a kayak, that turn their beaks into vibrators!

    When male cetaceans are not mating, their penises are coiled up like springs inside their bodies, and the retracting p***s sort of creates its own cavity in the whale's body in the process.  That cavity is big enough for at least part of a second p***s to fit in, so sexual intercourse is not only possible, it's fairly common among male cetaceans both in captivity and in the wild.  

    When gray whales mate, they don't mate in pairs but in trios, and the trios can consist of any combination of males and females and all males for sure.  I strongly suspect that I have witnessed three females mating on several occasions simply because when the dolphins showed up to play their usual part in that process, whatever it is, there was no penile display following that and no mating took place.

    After witnessing beak-genital propulsion between two bottle nose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) while kayaking off the Southern California coast, my late wife once remarked that it looked like fun and she said she would try it if she ever got the opportunity.  Almost immediately, one of them spy hopped right next to the boat.  Slowly, it leaned over, grabbed the laces of Anne's life jacket and slowly pulled her into the water.  (That's what an invitation to go swimming with them looks like, and to just jump in with them is very rude.)

    Anne had the sense to grab a floatation cushion as she left the boat, and she held it out in front of her and used it to steer as the dolphins took turns pushing her almost constantly until she had had enough, at which point they instantly stopped.  They didn't vocalize at all when they first started pushing her, and when they did, Anne said it was way more than just a vibrator because it felt like the sound was massaging all of the organs in her lower abdomen and the muscles of her lower back in a way that was very pleasant and increased her pleasure.

    Anne considered removing her bikini bottom but the dolphins chose to ignore the garment and proceeded as though it wasn't there before she could even make up her mind.  She said the dolphins pressed directly against her clitoris, and it was clear that the dolphin was going much more slowly and being much more gentle than it would with another dolphin.  She said it was intensely pleasurable right from the start, and when the vocalizations began, it became exponentially better.  She said at times it got so intense it was all she could do to keep her head above water, and at those times the dolphin pushing her would stop and pull away, only to be replaced a few seconds later by the other dolphin's beak.

    Dolphins are interested in s*x almost all the time in captivity, and I suspect only slightly less so in the wild, if at all, so female dolphins don't have "seasons" any more than humans do and are sexually receptive year round.

  3. Im not even gonna touch this one. lol

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