
How do dyslexic people read?

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Does there dyslexia eventually go away, so that they can start reading properly?





  2. you have to slow down and think about what you are reading.  If you don't you will miss the meaning of the text.   Also, the library for the blind checks out books on tape to the dyslexic as well as the blind so you can listen to your books.

  3. Dyslexia doesn't completely stop you from reading it just means you have trouble understanding certain words or have grammar issues.


  5. You learn to work with it, by that through memory and practice you learn to read things properly.

    In other words dyslexics just retrain their brains./

  6. Dyslexia exists as a broad range of illness. Some read bs and ds as the same letter. I have a problem with stove symbols and frequently get the wrong burner on, but have no problem reading. Numbers are another thing; I often will forget a sequence, but not the numbers in a given sequence. Yet I've been famous in mathmatical circles as a child, locally, and have beaten chess champions.

    I have never heard of any case going away. But I imagine that there are some cases.

    In any case, it can be worked around. And often dyslexic people have skill seys that "normal people" don't have. Creativity is not a measure of awareness of what is.

  7. no, they adjust

  8. There are also many forms of Dyslexia. For instance I have Math Dyslexia, where I see numbers backwards.

  9. They read everything backwards, you can only better ur self with meds. but you can never fully be healed from it.

  10. I have a mild form of dyslexia and have learned to adjust. Spell check is my friend, for true! Though I do "see" words and numbers backwards, my mind will also switch words in a sentence to a new order ; ie; "yard back" instead of "back yard". Though, I deal with it every day, I have the most difficulty when tired.

    What it all boils down to is a "miss-fire" in the brain. We see things differently and have trouble making sense of it. It's not simply reading backwards. It's also comprehension Sometimes, what our eyes see is completely at odds with what our brains tell us we see. At one time - after a VERY long shift - I swore the billboard that read "A safe place for sexually abused children" actually read "A safe place for sexually abused CHICKENS!". It may be funny at times like that, but very frustrating at others. No, it does not go away, but with time and patience, one can read very normally.

    Hey, I'm a writer!

  11. I know someone who uses a red cellophane object similar to 3-d glasses that you set over what you are reading.  Somehow that allows them to read and see things as they should be.  I don't know if there are different levels of dyslexia, but that helped a lot in this case.

  12. umm i used to have dyslexia so when i was in grade school up untill 7th grade i was put in a study hall to help me read.

    i think it helped a lot...

    after computers got huge and i finally got one it basically went away..

    sometimes i still have a little trouble but its just a few letters and numbers mixed up from time to time..

    like i would say 84.. when its supposed to be 48.

    or when it was worse i would read a sentance in the wrong order like..

    " I went to the store with a group of people and had something to eat.... "

    it would look to me like

    "I went the to store a with of goup people had and something to eat.. "or something along thoes lines

    but now its just small things like numbers but i usually end up catching myself.

  13. It never really fully goes away but alot of them undergo intense training to cope with the issues they facethe success of treatment varries from person to person

  14. A good teacher && practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice (slowly)! =))

  15. InnOcenNCe_fOr_DaYs! is hideously wrong & horribly misguided.

    Dyslexic people do not use drugs to treat the condition, it is training & practice to  learn to decode words, symbols, & numerals & it is hard work.

    Dyslexics do not need to better themselves or be healed from their condition, But some people need to be healed from their ignorance & better their empathy skills.

  16. I don't know what form of dyslexia I have.  I just remember being told by a doctor that I had mirror vision.  It was very frustrating as a child learning to read and write.  I'm also ambidextrous so I couldn't even figure out which hand to write with.  When I was in Kindergarten they gave me a big piece of cardboard with my name printed on it and red arrows  showing how to form letters.  I think that I had to learn to write by how it felt in my hand rather than how it looked on the paper.  I was forced to read out loud everyday.  I also had two speech impediments.  I stuttered and stammered.  I hated school with a passion.  Today I love reading and writting.  I love to read really good prose and poetry out loud to myself or to anyone who cares to listen.  I still have problems sometimes I'll get on the freeway going the wrong way.  I still get confused.  I think that reading as much as possible is the best therapy.

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