
How do evolutionists explain love?

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According to evolutionists ,animals including humans have calculating brains and they choose a mate with the best looks and social status.If this is true howcome people fall in love ,sometimes with much uglier people and with people much lower in status.Who or what causes us to love and mate with an uglier person in preference to a much more socially competitive person?




  1. Chemicals in the body and brain.

    Some times people settle for who will have them.

    Why do people fall in love with people they have never seen they met on the internet?

  2. Evolutionarily speaking, males tend to choose the best looking and highest social status female that they can get based on their OWN looks and social status. Women however tend to choose the highest social status male with the best looks and the most resources. So looks evolutionarily speaking are not equally motivating factors in mate selection to males and females, therefore you can get a "mismatch" in looks and social status.

    Read some of Jane Goodall's books on her primate studies. It will shed a lot of light on this for you.

  3. You don't really want to know .It has to do with ape's

  4. > According to evolutionists ,animals including humans have calculating brains and they choose a mate with the best looks and social status. <

    I disagree with this statement. Best looks and social status are certainly NOT the only reasons  for humans to choose a particular mate. There may be other beneficial reasons, and not every relationship follows a similar pattern. For example, two people who first encounter each other could be attracted to each other's views on something (e.g. music, current issues, etc). Also, there is the intimacy component to consider - feelings of closeness, affection, and connectedness. Mates can provide a sounding board to discuss one another's problems, and act as partners for activities. Then there's the passion component - the motivational drives relating to s*x, physical closeness, and romance. So while best looks and social status may be motivational factors for some people to choose a mate, those two factors alone may not meet all of the other needs. Human motivation is far more complex than the black-and-white scenario that you portray.

  5. There is no explanation for why or how people fall in love.  We don't even know what love is or how to describe it; but we know it when we experience it.   It is an enigma.

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