I am a single mother with a degree in business. I graduated from college with almost straight A's (3.9), a student organization presidency, a computer certification from Microsoft, references, and work experience (I started my own company-but it didn't work out). I have applied to every job even remotely related to my degree in my area (and a couple of other surrounding states). I have not even had an interview. I graduated almost a year ago. My family has had to support me. Who would have thought I couldn't even support myself after working so hard to get a degree with such good grades. I had more job offers in highschool! Needless to say, I started thinking about how other people afford to live at all even with jobs. My daughter goes to private school and there are tons of families picking up their kids at 2:45 in the middle of the day! Do these people have jobs? How can they afford such nice cars? In fact, my daughter says only a hand-full of children stay for aftercare. I am confused about this. In my area, it is very common for people to put their children in private school. The public schools here are scary and some of the worst in the nation! Even single parents have their children in private school. I have already had countless people check my resume. I am a realist and know that people discriminate and give jobs to friends.The worst part is that I'm a people person who is thin and relatively attractive. No one will even give me an interview to show this! Any insights or advice would be immensely helpful. I have applied to countless public and private sector jobs. I have no criminal history or drug abuse.