
How do feel about global warming and is it affecting your life?

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How do feel about global warming and is it affecting your life?




  1. I'm glad it's warming up. I hate cold weather. It's a natural occurrence, too , since it's almost summer.

    I can't wait for triple-digit temps.

  2. it doesn't bother me at all because IT'S NOT REAL!

  3. The Earth is doing what it does and that's fine with me.  It's not affecting me at all.  Can't wait for the summer warmth to finally kick in.

  4. well prices  up on everything and is making me bitter , and its fake!!!

  5. i dont really see how you can even notice global warming......

  6. I feel global warming is really bad but how can we stop it when so many americans don't worry about it, don't believe in it, and are not educated on the subject? I doesn't effect my life but it effects the lives of people in China and it will soon happen to Americans if we don't do something about it. The president is really the one who needs to spread the fact of global warming not Ale Gore. So if our next president is smart enough maybe he'll spread the fact that global warming is killing us slowly.

  7. Global warming doesn't effect my life one bit cause its fake

  8. It's getting too hot in Dubai that I can't m********e without sweat dripping out of my head!

  9. no 1 is really caring about it and i think we should all care kuz in a few years we all could be dead b4 our times r really due

    please give me 10 points

  10. It is used to make more money for the big boys by promoting anything that will get you to buy and or spend your money.  Big Al with his carbon foot print and pay me to ease your mind and guilt.  New electric cars, and that electricity isn't free they get it from coal fired power plants. Same amount of pollution.  All is B.S. and that is how it is affecting you.

  11. I know that it will affect my life because it will affect my future children's lives, and their children, and etc. And I do not want to just totally s***w over all future generations, so that's how I feel about global warming.

    I feel we should all be doing out part, and everybody should help out our planet.

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