
How do fetal pigs get rid of urine?

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How do fetal pigs get rid of urine?




  1. - Firstly, urine is formed after the kidney collects the nitroenous waste in the blood.

    - The ureters transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

    - The urinary bladder stores urine

    - The urethra discharges urine from the body.

    hope this helps^_^

  2. I'm no expert on pigs, but I think all mammals use pretty much the same system.  Urine produced by a fetus exits the body the same way it always does--the previous poster gave the pathway.  There can be no urine until after the renal system is developed, after all.

    The urine is present in the amniotic sac--it is in fact most of what is called the "amniotic fluid".  The fetus actually swallows and re-eliminates it on a continuous bases.  (The fluid does not normally go into the lungs because they are not yet completely developed and are unexpanded in the fetus.  Aspiration of amniotic fluid or of meconium--the first bowel movement--is a serious complication in some births.)

  3. through the placenta

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