
How do find a lawer that will do a hostile work place harrasment suit?

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worked for this comp for 34 yrs, 8 yrs ago I was asked to go into another dept, almost from day 1 I was the subject of verble, physical abuse, the last 2 incidents: #1 I was shoved so hard my head almost hit the concrete floor;other employee got a minor write up, #2 a employee almost shoved me through a glass window in a office in front of 3-4 witnesses, nothing was done, a few weeks later managment terminated me for something that 95 persent of the other employees do, when I brought this up they said: we have to catch them, but they know that they are doing it...




  1. have you filed a complaint with the employer?

    have you filed a complaint with the states department of labor/workforce development/employment standards office?

    generally,  until you have followed those steps and they have failed, an attorney can't do anything for you.

    private civil litigation is the last step that is to be taken in most states.

  2. To file any kind of civil action against the company you would need to show that you reported these issues to both HR and management for their investigation and follow up for remedy. If you did not do these steps it will be very difficult for an attorney to sue the company since you did not give the company a chance to fix the problem.

    As far as your termination goes, if you violated a company policy or procedure then they are right, they can only address it with the people they catch doing the violation.

  3. open a phone book and start calling lawyers til you find what you need .

       I have to wonder , why are people at work violent toward you?

  4. What a horrible situation.  Definitely call the labor board and check with labor attorneys.  You didn't mention, but there is no way you should have let this go on so long.  Without documented reports it may be very hard to prove.  ALWAYS document incidents and report abuse, it helps to have dates, time, names to recall on, it makes you more believable.  Trust me, witnesses don't come through, they are too concerned about their own job.

    After 34 years, that's a tough one, I wish you well.

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