
How do find the wheel hub, wheel brake caliper, and filters?

by  |  earlier

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this is the answer i got to a previous question about speed dropping and that the car would die even after being jumped though it has a new-ish battery:

"[After a] long period of not using the vehicle,cause some problem to the moving parts that became rusty.Feel the wheel hub after a long drive.If its too hot,you got a stock-up wheel brake caliper,on that hot hub. This causes your car to drop the speed. Check also your fuel filter, for any sign of water or dirt. Replace if faulty and don't forget to replace the air filter as well."

It seems poorly worded, and I don't know where this stuff is. The car is a 1989-94 Nissan 240SX...




  1. round deal that sticks throught largest hole in center of tire and rim is what they a calling a hub. a break caliper is used on disc breaks. most cars/trucks have disc on the front and drums on the back. remove one of the front tires. there is a flat round shinny thing that turns, this is the rotor. run your finger over the shinny surface, it should be smooth not rough, pitted or grooved. when the rotor turns it should turn fairly easy. there is a bulky thing that covers part of the rotor usually toward the front of the car. this is the break caliper. there is a hose conected to it. the hose is the break line for that caliper.

    the hose should be in good shape w/ no cracks or leaks. any sign of fluid coming from hose or caliper is bad. any grinding sound when you turn rotor by hand is bad. any hang-ups or rough spots when turning rotor by hand is bad. the caliper holds the break pads. when you push the break pedel, break fluid goes through the break line and into the caliper. the fliud  pushes a piston out of the caliper causing the break pads to "pinch" the rotor and stop it from turning. you can go to local library and look at car repair manuals. thay have pics. hope this helps.

  2. For starters, that answer is so silly, it's out of this world. Second, if you need to be shown where these most basic parts are, you should absolutely not be working on the car. I know people are trying to save money, but learning to be an auto mechanic via Yahoo Answers is not the way to do it. Time to call someone who knows what they're doing.  

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