
How do fingernails grow?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I've been chewing my nails as long as I've been alive (okay, exaggeration). But as long as I can remember. They are MUCH shorter than the average guy's fingernails, and I'm a girl. You can't see the white parts on them. Well, to stop, I've tried alcohol, vinegar, nail polish remover, etcetera. If it tastes bad, I've tried it. It doesn't help. But I guess, I just really want to stop this time, and I've been doing well for about 4 days maybe? They're longer than they've ever been while also shorter than anyone else's I've ever met. SO, I was wondering, how fast do they usually grow, and do they grow like hair, from the root, or from the end?




  1. Try typing in on a search engine, all your questions. I was going to tell you some answers because i typed it in. But i found to many things to put here!

  2. i stopped biting my nails last summer and havent bitten them since!! it took me a month tops for them to be avarege length for a woman but they were peeling because of biting mine for so long so whenever you clip your nails file them so that they dont start peeling or peel more...

    good luck and i hope you keep up the good work!

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