
How do fish survive down there?

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So there are a lot of creatures living in the deep sea. We need special submarines to withstand the pressure. How do these creatures not get squished?




  1. Different fish are built differently

  2. Most fish that have evolved to this harsh environment are not capable of surviving in laboratory conditions, and attempts to keep them in captivity have led to their deaths. For this reason little is known about them, as there are limitations to the amount of fruitful research that can be carried out on a dead specimen and deep sea exploratory equipment is very expensive.

    thats what I found.

    they were just made that way.

  3. It's hard to explain, but they are used to the pressure.

    P.S. If the fish go to the top after they are used to staying so deep, their eye balls pop, and they die

  4. The same way you survive at the bottom of an "ocean" of air. Their internal pressure is equal to the external pressure. That is why they die when brought up quickly to the surface.

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