
How do fishers sail their fishing boat.?

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Can you stat kind of boats and how they are sailed?




  1. I don't imagine that too many people in the industry fish from sailing vessels anymore but regardless of how they are powered some crew fish while the captain, deckies, and engineer(s) run the boat.

  2. sailing of boats, whether they are simple whale boats (that is a 10-15 foot long boat, single mast, single sail) or carrying 10,000 square yards of canvas, all sail boats operate on the same principle.

    wind passes across the sail, (just like the wing of an aircraft) and produces a differential in pressure that causes lift (though in a side pulling way) and the boat is moved.

    fishing by sail boat can be done by dragging a net that may be many hundred feet long, or by using fishing pole and a hook.

    beyond this, your question is pretty broad, you need to narrow the parameters.

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