
How do fishes eat if they do not have teeth?

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how do fish eat if they do not have teeth?




  1. some fish do have teeth but the fish that don't swallow whole and their stomachs mush it up oh and that one where it said genius was so uncalled for

  2. fish is the plural of fish, not fishes.  and some do have teeth, so your question might be, "How do fish which don't have teeth eat?" and the answer would be, "By swallowing their food."

    pretty dumb question IMO

  3. Some fish have teeth... some have acid in their stomach that turns it into mush

  4. They could swallow it. Common sense.

  5. They usually just sallow their food whole and leave it to the stomach to mush up.  

  6. i think they just kinda swallow lol

    or gum it to mush :]

  7. fish DO have teeth genius !

  8. While some fishes have teeth, they don't use them to chew their food. In fact, mammals are the only animals that chew their food with their teeth. Other animals including fish, birds and insects use their mouths to chop up the food, then swallow it in lumps where it is digested by stomach acids.

  9. Most fish do have teeth.  Sometimes hundreds of them.  Not just on their jaws either, many fish have teeth along the vomer (a bone along the roof of the mouth), on their tongue, and on their gill rakers as well.

    Even mostly toothless fish, like the cypriniforms, usually have some pharyngeal teeth.

  10. Most fish do have teeth, even those some are very small.  The Piranha of the Amazon River for instance.  Even fish like Sailfish that do not have teeth, do have bony ridges which enables them to hold their food.  Many fish, especially those that are predatory, just swallow their prey whole in one or two gulps.

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